未来を切り拓く力 フューチャーリテラシーの時代!
未来を予測できない混沌の中で、子供たちに必要な能力(competency)は、 「国際的な社会情勢や地球規模の視点から課題を発見し、論理的に思考し、未来を切り拓く想像力と創造性を養い、行動する力」です。私たちは、こうした能力を、フューチャーリテラシー(Future Literacy)と呼ぶことにしました。
フューチャーリテラシー(Future Literacy)は、7つのコアコンピテンシー(core competency)から構成されます。7つのコアコンピテンシー(1. 直感力 インスピレーション、2. 創造力 クリエーション、3. 想像力 イマジネーション、4. 慈恵力 コンパッション、5. 共感力 エンパシー、6. 精神回復力 レジリエント、 7. 達成力 グリット)は、互いに繋がりあい、学習者の学びのプロセスで、次第に統合されてゆきます。そして、生徒自身が、生きる目的を見つけ、直面する社会課題をポジティブに解決しながら、未来を創造する新しいリーダーに成長します。
SDGs. TVは、フューチャーリテラシー(Future Literacy)を、統合的に習得を目指すメディアです。
Living in the age of Future Literacy
We are now facing dramatic world changes such as climate change and the spread of infectious diseases. It is difficult to survive only with 20thcentury values and individual consciousness and ability. What kind of education is needed for the children of the future to survive in this world? In the spring of 2020, pandemic attacked the world, the schools closed, and online classes started. The competency necessary to live in unpredictable chaos is the ability to discover problems from a global social situation and global perspective, think logically, develop imagination and creativity that open up the future, doing the action. We call these ability is Future Literacy. Future Literacy consists of seven core competency. These core competencies- 1. Intuition, 2. Creativity, 3. Imagination, 4. Compassion, 5. Empathy, 6. Resilience, 7. Grit – will be integrated into the learner’s overall ability during the learning process. SDGs. TV is a media that provides such future literacy education by utilizing video contents.
SDGs is a problem finding tool for exploratory learning
There are many obstacles to teaching online classes such as lecture-based subject learning, outdoor learning, and hands-on activities in conventional classrooms. It is not easy for students to choose their research themes and tasks and set up learning to find solutions. Students need a learning environment that gives them the opportunity to explore and develop logical thinking, and teachers need training and practice to develop their educational skills. Therefore, we designed an online exploration learning program by utilizing the experience of ESD program support using visual teaching materials and ICT in elementary, junior high school, and high school for over ten years. The exploratory learning program is organized into 15 quest themes associated with SDG 17 goals and 169 targets.
生徒自身が、能動的に課題発見をするようになるためには、感性に訴求する気づきが必要です。それぞれ特有のストーリーをもつ動画には、想像性を呼び覚まして、好奇心や学びへの関心度を高めるパワーがあります。探求学習プログラムを学ぶことによって、生徒は、調べ学習以上の能動的な課題発見、課題解決能力と、未来を切り拓く力(future literacy)を身につけることができます。また、動画は、多様な意見を引き出すにはとても有効なツールでもあります。
Video contents are sufficient for developing thinking
In order for the students themselves to actively discover issues, they need to be aware of their sensibilities. Videos with a unique story have the power to awaken their imagination and raise their curiosity and interest in learning. Students who take part in the exploratory learning program can acquire active problem-finding, problem-solving, and the ability to open up the future- Future Literacy. Video contest is also a very useful tool for eliciting diverse opinions.
Teachers can practice facilitation through exploratory learning
Students will find solutions through active learning of exploratory learning and dialogue and communication with other students. Facilitation techniques are essential for teachers to bring out the diversity and adaptability of students from multiple conversations. Not only does the video material help a smooth transition from lecture-based learning to exploratory learning, but it also improves teacher facilitation skills.
私たちはSDGsそのものを理解するだけでなく、SDGsを通じて様々な世界や地域の問題を知り、その原因となっている要因や課題の解決に向けて、行動を促し、未来を切り拓く力(future literacy)を育む教育をサポートしたいと考えています。
Future Literacy is the power to draw a social vision for living
We would like to support education to help students understand the problems of various worlds and regions and to take action to solve the factors that cause them by focusing on SDGs.
未来を創る力 フューチャーリテラシー解説
未来を創る力 フューチャーリテラシーとは、複雑な社会を、本能的に生き抜いていく力です。混沌とした不確実性の高い社会の中で、幸せに生きていくために、未来を自分自身が切り拓いていく総合的なスキルの学びは、小学生から大学生まで全ての学習者の学びの工程で、実践されるべきもので、従来の知識の習得に偏重しがちな教育を根本から見直す、新しい教育概念です。
Future Literacy-The power to create the future
Future Literacy is an alternative concept that fundamentally revises education that tends to focus on conventional knowledge acquisition. It is the power to survive in a complex society instinctively to open up the future with dignity, should be practised in the all learning process from elementary school students to university students.