Japan sustainable trip
Japan’s wonderful heritage of culture, tradition and natural beauty is a story that demands to be told long into the future. Green TV Japan showcases a range of exciting projects geared toward the goal of a sustainable society.
Nature love story
The range of creatures living together on this planet of ours is incredible. But biodiversity is declining rapidly, with many species in danger of extinction. Will you be part of the solution in preventing that loss?
ethical & organic Life
To achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, we all need to be mindful of this Earth we live on. The best way to preserve our limited resources is to shift to a recycling-oriented lifestyle.
Future Message
At Green TV Japan, we carry stories with messages and ideas for the future, brought to you by real people in a surprising array of fields.
Japan GreenTV archives
In partnership with its UK parent company, and with NGOs, companies and governments the world over, Green TV Japan has been distributing programming with an environmental message for 10 years now. We’re spreading knowledge, learning and awareness through a constellation of 12 channels.